Sunday, January 19, 2014

Minion Dave Has Arrived!

After all the hard work that I put in, Minion Dave is here!  It took longer than I would have liked, but I think that he turned out great.  I am VERY proud of him.  I had a lot of errors that I had to fix and I also have to admit, the small cake was a little rushed.  It could have been better, but frankly, I was tired of looking at cake!  Hahaha.  My wife loved him and said that no one was to cut into him so everyone that was here for her party had to make do with the smaller cake.  They all said that it tasted good and I had to take their word for it because... I don't like cake.  Yep, I said it.  I'm a cake decorator and I don't like cake.  There are probably 2 times a year that I even want to try a piece and my own birthday is usually not one of them.  Don't judge me, I can't help it!  :)

Oh!  And the surprise that I promised... It's a lotus candle!  You light the center of it and it lights smaller candles and then spins.  It's also supposed to play "Happy Birthday", but ours sadly didn't.  It's ok though, it was awesome without it!!!  Here are some pictures...

This was Dave when he was finished.  The next day (today) is when I made the smaller cake and added the candle.

This is Dave finished with the smaller cake.  I put the candle on (as you can see from the round dent in the small cake) and then took it off for pictures.

And this is Dave finished with the candle!  Isn't he adorable??  

In case anyone out there in blog reader land was wondering, the cake was all yellow with vanilla buttercream and marshmallow fondant (MMF).  All of which was made by ME! 

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