Sunday, January 26, 2014

Banana Bread...Kicked Up A Notch

I don't think that I have ever met anyone that didn't like homemade banana nut bread.  I know that my family loves it and I can guess who I'm going to get messages from when this posts saying that they want a piece, are coming over or the popular question, "Where's mine?".

I came across this recipe a little over a year ago (not sure where or I would definitely share!) and my first thought was, "You can make banana bread better??".  Why, yes, yes you can!  Whoda thunk it!  This recipe makes the bread so moist and flavorful that you just may toss out your tradition recipe... I did.  :)

Banana Cream Cheese Bread
Yields 1 large loaf or 4 mini loaves

1 (8oz) pkg cream cheese, softened
1c granulated sugar
1/4c butter or margarine, softened
1c mashed bananas (2-3 medium)
1 1/2t vanilla extract
2 eggs
2 1/4c all-purpose flour
1 1/2t baking powder
1/2t baking soda
1c chopped nuts (optional)

Preheat oven to 350*.  Grease and flour loaf pan(s), set aside.

In a large bowl, combine cream cheese, butter and sugar, beating until well mixed.  Add bananas, eggs and vanilla, mix well.

Combine flour, baking powder and baking soda and add (slowly) to banana mixture and mix until just moistened.  Do not over-mix!! (I forgot to take a picture of this step :( Sorry!)

Fold in the nuts.

Spread in the prepared pan(s) and bake at 350* for 60-70 minutes for large pan or 35-40 minutes for small pans or until bread tests done. 

 Cool 10 minutes then remove from pan(s) and place on a wire rack to continue to cool.

My notes:
-If you've noticed the top of the bread getting too dark brown and the center not cooking, cover with foil.  The foil prevents the bread from getting any darker. 

-I used my fancy-schmancy stoneware loaf pan and didn't have to use anything to grease the pan!  If you have one, I recommend using it. 

-I didn't add nuts to my bread this time because my wife doesn't like them.  Yes, I know, she's weird.  But trust me, you don't miss them!

-You could probably get away with dividing the dough between 2 large loaf pans since it rises so high in just one.  It's really whatever you prefer.