Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Learning To Be A Professional Cake Decorator...

A few years ago, I started taking the cake decorating classes at the local craft store.  After realizing that the instructor was not as good as she should have been, I decided to not go anymore.  This was after taking 2 of the 3 courses that they offered at the time.  I figured that I had the basics, I had this under control.  Then reality set in...

7 years later... I decorated a few cakes and giant cookies and things like that, but I was definitely far away from my goal of being able to make some money and produce some awesome cakes.  In those 7 years, I continue to purchase cake decorating supplies *just in case* and I have spent way more than I would like to say, but at least I have everything that I feel any serious decorator would have. 

Last year, I bit the bullet and asked my cousin who makes AWESOME cakes to show me the basics of fondant and help me get started.  She was more than willing to help and I thank God for her every single time I attempt a cake.  Without her, I would still have a room full of supplies and no idea what in the world to do with most of them.

I have since tried other mediums as well as fondant, such as modeling chocolate.  <---Love that stuff!  I am still by no means a professional, but I'm getting there.  I will attach a picture of the birthday cake that I recently made for my sister.  In the picture, you will see the cake that she wanted and the cake that I made.  I must say, I like mine better and so did she...THANK GOODNESS!  The owl is completely modeling chocolate (I'm kinda proud of that little bugger!!) as well as the borders.  The blue is fondant. (Sorry about the lighting!)

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