Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Easy Peasy Candy Making

When the whole state has basically shut down because of a little snow, what do you do?  Well, what I did was make homemade butter rum candy.  This is WAY easier than you would think and one of the very first recipes that I've ever done.  Oh, and the best part of the whole thing?  I made it in the microwave.  Yep, sure did!

I can't take credit for the recipe itself because it's on the package insert of LorAnn oils.  I did, however, follow my own directions because I wanted "pretty" candy.  Here's what the insert says...

Microwave Hard Candy

1c granulated sugar
1/2c light corn syrup
1/2 dram (1/2t) LorAnn Gourmet Flavoring
food coloring (optional)
powdered sugar (optional)

Thoroughly mix sugar and light corn syrup in a 4 cup microwave-safe glass measure.  Cover with plastic wrap.  Microwave in high for 3 minutes 10 seconds.  Remove from microwave and carefully remove plastic wrap.  Quickly stir the sugar mixture and then cover with a new sheet of plastic wrap.  Microwave on high for 3 minutes 10 seconds.  Remove from microwave, carefully remove plastic wrap and stir.  Use caution to avoid rising steam.  Stir in coloring and then flavoring.  Pour syrup quickly, but carefully, into lightly oiled lollipop molds or onto greased cookie sheet (score at once to mark squares; break into pieces when cool). Let candy cool until hardened.  When cool, dust with powdered sugar to keep from sticking.  Store in an airtight container.

Here's what I did differently...

I added the coloring to the sugar and syrup mixture before I placed it in the microwave.  I only cooked the sugar mixture for 3 minutes each time.  After the second cycle, I added the flavoring and then stirred the mixture until it started to thicken.  I then poured the mixture on a silicone mat so that I could "fold" it into itself (using the mat), making a log.  The idea was to add air to the candy.  When I could finally touch it and form it into a log, I began pulling it.  The more air, the better.  Then I divided the candy log in half and rolled it out to the thickness that I wanted and then took my kitchen scissors and cut it into pieces.  I then spread the candy out on another silicone mat, in an even layer, to finish hardening, making sure not to let the pieces touch.  After they hardened, I put them in a ziploc bag and sprinkled with powdered sugar and shook.  That's it!

My notes:

-I wore rubber gloves when I was pulling the candy.  This helps protect your hands, somewhat, from the heat and getting burned. 

-If your hands get too hot and start to burn, touch your hands to your shoulders.  (Left hand to left shoulder, right hand to right shoulder)  The pain will almost instantly go away.

-Make sure that you work quickly, but carefully.  If the candy starts to get too hard while you're trying to form it, pop it in the microwave for a few seconds to soften it.

-I love the rustic, homemade look of the scissor cutting method, but a baking dish would work just as well.  I've used an oiled loaf pan before and made thicker "shards" of candy.

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