Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Eyes Have It!!

My wife's birthday is coming up and when I asked her what kind of cake she wanted, the answer to the question should have been obvious.  A minion cake.  And not just ANY minion.  Minion Dave.  So after a week or so of planning and debating if he is going to be 3D or a flat shaped cake, I made the final decision.  He is going to be 3D with a little "smash" cake in front of him.  I think I may have bitten off more than I can chew... **sigh**

I started on his details today so they had enough time to dry because I don't want things to get droopy.  I mean, who wants a droopy eyed minion on their birthday?  It took me an hour to get the goggles and eyes done and I haven't even assembled it yet!  Why, you ask?  Because my air brushing machine was acting hinky.  I had to disassemble it to see what was going on and get that thing running!  Now, I'm just waiting on things to dry then I will assemble the eyes and let that set up completely so it's ready for Saturday.  In the meantime, I need to get started on his hair.  I just took a minute to update you on what I have going on.  I can't wait to share the final cake and the "surprise" that I have in store.  :)

1 comment:

  1. well....? can't wait to see the process and Minion Dave in the "flesh"!
